Easy And Realistic Weekly Cleaning Schedule With Awesome Printable

If you are anything like me, you like a clean house. And maybe you also get overwhelmed with maintaining that clean house. Do you try and get it all done in one sitting and feel defeated if you don't or exhausted if you did? If the answer is yes, then you have come to the right place. I've got a cleaning schedule for you!


After years of bulk cleaning, I decided {or it was decided for me with 3 kids} that a change was needed. It took a while, but I came up with and modified a cleaning schedule that works for us.


I do one big chore a day. Depending on the chore, it takes me about 20-30 minutes each day {except, of course, laundry days}. In addition to that, there are things that are done daily.


These are simple things I do daily to ensure the mess doesn’t pile up. They don't always all get done, but it helps keep me and our house in check. My three biggest things before bed are to make sure the sink it empty, the couch pillows & blankets are straightened and all the toys are put in a basket {we have a few around the house}. These are my non negotiables to help the house feel refreshed when waking up the next day.


If you saw on the weekly schedule, on Saturday I choose I-2 chores from the list that I do monthly. I choose these based off our schedule and/or what really needs to get done.

And that’s it. It is nothing too crazy…but it definitely keeps me from going crazy. I know my husband definitely doesn’t miss those Saturdays where we would clean hours on end because I couldn’t take it any more.

Now, the link to the printable. I have included a blank weekly schedule for you to add in your own. Click here to download your own weekly cleaning schedule.


I hope this is helpful and makes keeping your house clean not feel so overwhelming. Do you have something that works for you? Let me know what it is!

with love, andi